Is CBD Oil & Cannabis Oil The Same

We have heard quite a lot about CBD and its possible therapeutic potentials. There are several science-based evidence pointing to how it can interact with the cannabinoid system to produce a handful of benefits, including pain relief, modulating immune responses, and many more.

As CBD gains more popularity in the market, there is a need to understand some basic terms that describe it. Terms such as CBD oil, cannabis oil, hemp marijuana, Cannabinoid spectrum, and many more. In this article, we shall discuss the difference and similarities between CBD oil and cannabis oil.

What is CBD oil?


CBD oil is commonly used to refer to oils derived from hard pressing the flowers, leaves, and roots of the hemp or cannabis plant. It features a combination of compounds known as cannabinoids and terpenes. A cannabinoid is a large group of plant-based chemicals consisting of CBD, THC, CBC, CBG, CBN, and other minor members. They form the major ingredient in most cannabis-based products that are widely studied due to their ability to interact with the endocannabinoid receptors.

The terpenes also form an important component of the cannabis plant. They are useful in providing several scents and flavors while contributing to the potential benefits of the oils. CBD oils are either classified as a full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or CBD isolates based on the combination of cannabinoids and terpenes. While full-spectrum CBD products contain all cannabinoids and terpenes, including THC, broad-spectrum CBD products feature only CBD and other minor cannabinoids. CBD isolates contain only pure CBD with any cannabinoid or terpene.

What is cannabis oil?

Cannabis oil is also known as marijuana oil or THC oil. Unlike CBD oils, they contain a high concentration of THC, the major psychoactive compounds found in the cannabis plant. In most cases, the concentration of THC to CBD is usually high, thus reducing its acceptability in many countries. Cannabis oil is also derived from the cannabis plant and not industrial hemp, as observed in CBD.

What are the differences between Cannabis oil and CBD oils?

The differences between Cannabis and CBD oils can be summarized under the following headings;

  1. Source:

As stated earlier, CBD oils are derived from cold pressing the leaves, stems, and roots of industrial hemp plants, while cannabis oils are extracted from cannabis.

  1. Concentration of cannabinoids

The source of both oils determines the concentration of chemicals in them. While cannabis oil features a high THC to CBD concentration, CBD oil is the complete opposite. As a sign of regulation, all CBD oils are required to possess not more than 0.3% THC.

  1. Possible effects

Cannabis oils feature a high concentration of THC; thus, increasing the possibility of eliciting psychoactive effects on users. The use of CBD oil is quite safe and does not tamper with brain function.

  1. Legal status

The use of CBD is completely legal in all parts of the US, while there are still restrictions on the use of cannabis oil in some regions.

Are they the same?

While it is true that CBD oils and cannabis oils may offer similar benefits to users, adequate care must be taken to understand their cannabinoid content. This is what determines the reaction and possible side effects along with determining if they provide the effect of getting you high.

Don’t forget to contact us at The Little CBD Store if you have questions about CBD oils and cannabis oil. We will love to hear from you soon.

The following post Is CBD Oil & Cannabis Oil The Same is courtesy of: Little CBD Store

Can CBD Oil Help Reduce Pain

Let me tell you a secret; feeling pain is a necessary evil. It is one of the attributes of a healthy system. Pain serves the important purpose of informing our brains about certain dangers or damage to the cells. This keeps us alert and ready to find solutions to these challenges. While mild pains may not pose as a threat to our daily activities, chronic pains like those associated with arthritis need to be remedied with the right medication. In this article, we shall discuss the common benefits of CBD oil in reducing the possible signs of pain.

CBD For Pain

The bulk of CBD activity lies in its ability to interact with the endocannabinoid receptors that are expressed in the central nervous system (CNS), peripheral organs, and the immune system. These receptors play a critical role in modulating cognitive responses such as pain, hunger, and internal balance. Although the mode of activity is not clear, the commonly reported activity of CBD during pain includes but is not limited to the following.

  1. Anti-inflammatory properties
    The role of CBD in producing anti-inflammatory effects have been widely discussed by several scientists. This is due to the wide distribution of cannabinoid receptors all over the body. CBD can produce a regulatory effect on the immune cells, which serves to modulate their activities, thereby preventing chronic pain.

  2. Antioxidant properties
    The accumulation of free radicals can predispose our bodies to several forms of challenges, including pain. CBD can play active roles in neutralising the harmful effects of these free radicals, thus maintaining internal balance and cellular function.

  3. Improved relaxation
    Experiencing pain may deal a great blow on how we take care of our daily tasks. CBD can interact with the serotonin and GABA receptors to promote relaxation in people suffering from one form of pain or the other.

Is CBD Safe?

The use of CBD is safe regardless of your age and level of the disease condition. It is, however, important to note that adequate care must be given to identifying the right dosage for your body type. You can ask your physician for a guideline on how to come about this. Also, note that it may produce a negative drug interaction with aspirin, clobazam, theophylline, and warfarin. This is because CBD inhibits the activity of Cytochrome P450 (CYP) in metabolizing such drugs when administered concomitantly with CBD.

If you are interested in using CBD for pain, it is advisable that you don’t combine it with any form of prescription medicine to avoid triggering a side reaction.

Bottom line

There is a great interest in how CBD may serve as a potential replacement for over-the-counter prescription drugs and painkillers. Although CBD may possess some excellent activities in providing relief from pain.  Please note that all direct health claims to CBD were made from research and not official statements from the FDA or any other regulating body.

Don’t forget to contact us if you have questions about the use of CBD oil for pain management. Our team of experts will love to hear from you.


Nagarkatti, P., Pandey, R., Rieder, S. A., Hegde, V. L., & Nagarkatti, M. (2009). Cannabinoids as novel anti-inflammatory drugs. Future medicinal chemistry, 1(7), 1333–1349.

Hacke, A. C., Lima, D., de Costa, F., Deshmukh, K., Li, N., Chow, A., … Kerman, K. (2019). PROBING THE ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF Δ9- TETRAHYDROCANNABINOL AND CANNABIDIOL IN CANNABIS SATIVA EXTRACTS. The Analyst. doi:10.1039/c9an00890j

Pretzsch, C. M., Freyberg, J., Voinescu, B., Lythgoe, D., Horder, J., Mendez, M. A., … McAlonan, G. M. (2019). Effects of cannabidiol on brain excitation and inhibition systems; a randomised placebo-controlled single dose trial during magnetic resonance spectroscopy in adults with and without autism spectrum disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology. doi:10.1038/s41386-019-0333-8

Zendulka, O., Dovrtělová, G., Nosková, K., Turjap, M., Šulcová, A., Hanuš, L., & Juřica, J. (2016). Cannabinoids and Cytochrome P450 Interactions. Current Drug Metabolism, 17(3), 206–226. doi:10.2174/1389200217666151210142051

Can CBD Oil Help Reduce Pain was first published on: The Little CBD Store Service Blog

Cannabis and Anxiety: Does CBD Oil Help Reduce Anxiety?

In 2013, there were more than eight million cases of anxiety in the UK. Anxiety can have a serious impact on both your work and home life. In fact, anxiety and depression have been estimated to cause one-fifth of all the days lost from work in Britain.

If you suffer from anxiety, finding something that can alleviate the symptoms could change your life. Read on as we look at cannabis and anxiety and whether CBD can really help to reduce your symptoms.

Cannabis and Anxiety: Does It Work?

There has been a lot of research into the use of cannabis to treat anxiety, with several studies finding positive results. A study by Washington State University found that two puffs of cannabis were enough to reduce symptoms of anxiety. The study found that cannabis that was high in CBD and low in THC was the most effective. The same was true for the reverse however, cannabis high in THC and low in CBD seemed to cause an increase in the symptoms of anxiety.

Some studies have found that whilst smoking cannabis can reduce symptoms in the short term, it may worsen anxiety in the long term.

Cannabis vs. CBD

As well as potentially leading to longer-term issues, cannabis also comes with other side effects, the most obvious of which is getting you high. This is why cannabis is currently illegal in the UK.

CBD products such as CBD oils, on the other hand, contain little or no THC which is the compound that gets you high. You can use them safely without fear of getting high and they are perfectly legal to use.

There are several studies that show that CBD alone can be effective at reducing anxiety. A 2010 study found that CBD could reduce anxiety in people suffering from social anxiety disorder. Another study in 2011 found that CBD reduced anxiety in people suffering from SAD when faced with a simulated public speaking test.

A 2014 study showed that CBD produced anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effects in animals.  And in 2015, another study found that “current evidence indicates CBD has considerable potential as a treatment for multiple anxiety disorders.”

How Does It Work?

The exact mechanisms that give CBD its anti-anxiety properties are not yet fully understood.

Some scientists believe that CBD interacts with certain receptors in the brain that can alter serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in mental health. Low serotonin is often linked to depression and may also cause anxiety.

It is possible that CBD may have a positive impact on serotonin levels which could reduce symptoms of anxiety.

Are You Looking for CBD to Help with Anxiety?

one man helping another up a mountain with the sun setting in the background

If the research on cannabis and anxiety sounds promising to you, then you may want to try some CBD oil to deal with your own anxiety. We’re here to help. We sell a wide range of CBD products, from oils and edibles to sprays and capsules. We offer free shipping on all orders over £50 and we have a fair price guarantee so you know that you’ll never be overcharged.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us or visit our website.

Cannabis and Anxiety: Does CBD Oil Help Reduce Anxiety? was originally seen on:

CBD Edibles: A Convenient Way to Take CBD Daily

More people are discovering the therapeutic benefits of CBD for their health. Even pet owners are seeing a difference with their furry friends! CBD can be consumed in a variety of ways, from vaping to capsules. One method growing in popularity is CBD edibles.

Edibles are safe, non-toxic, and take as little as 15 minutes to take effect. They’re also convenient because you don’t have to measure your own CBD doses. Just grab an edible and you’re good to go.

Learn more about the best CBD edibles for your needs.

CBD Gummies and Candy

Do you love fruit-flavoured candy, or are you a chocolate lover? Enjoy the best of both worlds with CBD infused candy! Candy is one of the best ways to receive the therapeutic benefits of CBD. You can enjoy CBD in Lollipops, gummy worms, and chocolate candies. You can enjoy CBD in chewing gum, so you can receive consistent relief throughout the day.

CBD Honey Products

two mason jars filled with natural cbd infused honey

Infused honey is another way to experience the benefits of CBD as honey is an extremely versatile edible.

Enjoy CBD infused honey in the following ways:

  • Spread it on toast
  • Sweeten your tea or coffee
  • Use it as a dipping sauce
  • Add it to your hot cocoa
  • Include it in your homemade desserts
  • Drizzle on tea cakes

You can also buy CBD honey sticks to take with you on the go. These are perfect sweeteners for work and travel. This is an excellent option if you want to test out CBD honey without purchasing an entire bottle. What types of treats come to mind when you think of CBD honey? Try it for yourself!

Sweet and Salty Snacks

different dried fruits and nuts on a wood board

CBD edibles aren’t just sugar and spice. There are plenty of savory treats to enjoy. Start with CBD infused mixed nuts, like infused almonds, cashews, and walnuts. Not only do they have therapeutic qualities, but CBD nuts are also packed with protein, vitamin E, antioxidants, and potassium. Find relief and improve your immune system at the same time.

Another potassium-packed snack is CBD infused banana chips. These are perfect for on-the-go relief and nourishment. Mix them with CBD infused tropical fruits, nuts, raisins, and mangoes for a delicious and healthy snack.

Get Energised

Do you find yourself feeling sluggish throughout the day? Recharge with CBD energy drops! These energy drops are quick and easy to consume. Enjoy a burst of fresh citrus flavour, along with the energising effects of caffeine and taurine.
You can also mix a little CBD honey in your hot beverages for an extra kick to get you through the day.

Discover the Best CBD Edibles

The therapeutic benefits of CBD are just a bite away. Who knew CBD could be so delicious? Discover what the best CBD edibles can do for your particular needs. Make edibles a part of your daily routine to enjoy consistent relief, or give them a test to see if they’re right for you.

Do you have more questions about the benefits of CBD edibles? Contact us today at The Little CBD Store to learn more or check out our selection of high-quality infused products from the UK’s leading CBD manufacturers.

CBD Edibles: A Convenient Way to Take CBD Daily was originally seen on: The Little CBD Store Service Blog

The Benefits and Uses of CBD Oil

CBD oil has garnered quite a bit of attention lately, hasn’t it? And for good reason! This is no passing fad. Rather, scientific research continues to bulk up and testimonials continue to affirm that CBD oil has powerful, healing properties.

By changing the way our brains send pain messages to the body, the benefits of CBD oil continue to become apparent. Those with chronic pain, sleepless nights, and overwhelming anxiety might be able to put a stop to each of these nagging ailments. How does CBD oil make you feel? Allow us to share.


Let’s start with, perhaps, the most popular benefit to CBD oil. If you suffer from chronic joint pain, arthritis, or any other nagging, persistent aches, CBD oil may be able to help.

It can be applied topically to the area and, once absorbed, start providing a bit of relief. Although scientific research has only just begun, more and more studies continue to conclude that the after-effects are quite soothing.
CBD oil for pain management interacts with our brain’s endocannabinoid receptors, producing dopamine. Dopamine is known as our body’s pleasure chemical, sending a natural “high” to the system through our receptors.

CBD may also prohibit the absorption of anandamide, another compound that regulates pain. Increasing anandamide can also reduce our body’s response to pain. So, it’s a very natural process that restores a bit of peace to our aching bones.


a goth girl asleep on a bench leaning on a suitcase

The next side effect of pain is an inability to get comfortable enough to sleep. Hopefully, your after-dinner edible has already taken care of that. But, if there are some lingering side effects that are prohibiting you from resting easy, then another dose of oil can help you sleep in peace tonight.

Again, the oil will interact with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system. This can help restore a state of balance, or homeostasis.

Research has also supported CBD oil’s ability to help those whose REM cycle is disturbed throughout the night. As we know, stabilising our sleep patterns can have a wealth of wonderful benefits.


Of course, a general sense of anxiousness can keep us lying awake at night. But, those who suffer from general anxiety may also see a reduction in their symptoms.

Those with social anxiety have experienced some alleviation. Medical News Today also cites another study where general anxiety disorder, PTSD, and other forms of anxiety were alleviated through regular doses of CBD oil.

Animal Anxiety

Does your four-legged friend struggle when you leave the house? Does a thunderstorm send them ducking for cover? CBD oil may be able to help your sidekick survive the storms of life with a little more poise.

The best way to administer the oil to them is by applying it to the inside of their mouth. It’ll absorb into the system quickly and effectively. If, however, this just creates more drama, then you can put a little oil on a treat and let the magic happen.

CBD Oil for Your Symptoms

Whether you struggle with low-grade anxiety, high-grade pain, or restless nights, adding CBD oil to your daily routine can have promising results. When you’re ready, come shop with us here at The Little CBD Store. We have everything you need, no matter your preference.

Take a look at our oils, vape liquids, edibles, sprays, capsules, crystals, and more! We also offer a healthy line of skincare products. How about a little CBD oil in your nighttime cream? That could help you ease yourself into a restful state in no time! We look forward to helping you find your remedy.

The blog post The Benefits and Uses of CBD Oil is courtesy of:

Full vs. Broad Spectrum CBD Oil: A Side-By-Side Comparison

The use of CBD is gaining traction as more studies release positive findings.

In November 2019, a new study confirmed that CBD helps chronic pain patients with reducing pain intensity and improving their sleep quality.

Americans are now Googling CBD more than other health trends such as acupuncture, meditation, and exercise. In a recent study, researchers found that search results for “CBD” and “cannabidiol” jumped up by 117% in 2019.

Its clear people are interested in CBD. Learning the differences between broad-spectrum CBD vs full-spectrum CBD has something of a learning curve though. This might account for the 6.4 million CBD Google searches that occurred in April 2019, the last month the study collected data.

In this article, we’ll cover all the basics of CBD oil and give you a side-by-side comparison of the different types.

Types of CBD

There are several different CBD types. This variety in selection lets people choose what method of consumption they prefer. Here are a few of the more common types of CBD:

Full-Spectrum CBD

an explosion of coloured powders

Full-spectrum CBD has all the cannabinoids, including THC. The amount of THC it has is low and does not give a “high” effect.

There are over 100 different cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. CBD and THC are the most abundant and important cannabinoids in cannabis. Some of the other minor cannabinoids that are also important are cannabigerol (CBG), cannabinol (CBN), and cannabichromene (CBC).

THC Level Differences: .3%

Benefits: The full-spectrum CBD creates an entourage effect that helps reduce significant pain.

Broad-Spectrum CBD

Broad-spectrum CBD is the middle ground of CBD oils. It falls between isolate and full-spectrum CBD. It has undergone a special refinement process that removes all THC.

To get broad-spectrum CBD, full-spectrum CBD goes through an additional extraction step called liquid chromatography.

In broad-spectrum vs full-spectrum CBD, many medical users prefer full-spectrum for its entourage effect.

THC Level Differences: 0%

Benefits: Treats conditions like anxiety and depression without any THC or its euphoric effects. This is ideal for people who must still be able to pass drug tests.

THC Isolate

green powder isolate extract

THC isolate consists of 99% THC-A and is in a crystalline form. THC-A is the acidic version of THC and doesn’t have the psychoactive side effects in its crystalline form.

Once heated, the THC-A turns into THC. This allows people to decide their method of consumption, whether they want to ingest the crystals or smoke them. Isolate has all terpenes removed and does not produce an entourage effect.

THC Level Differences: THC-A is the non-psychoactive acidic form of THC. When heated, it turns into THC.

Benefits: It has strong anti-inflammatory properties, making it ideal for arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), migraines, and epilepsy.

CBD Extraction Methods

Have you ever wondered how CBD products are made?

There are several different extraction methods used to create CBD. The most common methods are:

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Extraction

As the name suggests, this method uses supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) to pull CBD oil from the plant.

The CO2 extraction method uses pressurized carbon dioxide to pull cannabinoids and terpene oils from the plant material. This method provides the most pure CBD profile.

Steam Distillation

When steam distillation is used, steam saturates the plant and separates the CBD oil.

Solvent Extraction

The solvent extraction method is similar to the process followed by steam distillation. The key difference is solvent extraction uses a solvent, like olive oil, instead of water to separate CBD oil from the plant.

CBD Leading the Way

The popularity of CBD isn’t showing any signs of slowing down and is expected to exceed $1.8 billion in earnings by 2022.

Whether you choose to use full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD will depend upon your unique needs. There are a plethora of choices available at The Little CBD Store to meet the rising demand from medical patients.

Contact us today if you have any questions or want to check on the status of an order.

Full vs. Broad Spectrum CBD Oil: A Side-By-Side Comparison was originally published to: The Little CBD Store Service Blog

Are You Using a Safe CBD Oil

CBD oil is becoming one of the hottest new products on the market today. In fact, annual sales of CBD oil products in 2018 was nearly 600 million and is estimated to be growing at a rate exceeding 107 percent annually. Prior to 2017, CBD products were available only in head shops, natural food stores, and at a few doctor’s offices. Since that time, the market has exploded and CBD products are now available in natural food stores, national food stores, beauty salons, nail salons, convenience stores, and even gas stations. But, are these CBD products manufactured from safe CBD oil?

First of all, let’s examine what we mean by safe CBD oil. Some reports indicate that as much as 40% of the CBD products on the market tested positive for heavy metals like lead and arsenic, concentrated chemical pesticides, bacteria, fungi, toxic mold, THC, and numerous other dangerous impurities. Most people would agree that products containing these impurities would be considered to be unsafe.

Most of these unsafe CBD oil products are grown and manufactured in China, Mexico, and numerous third world countries that do little or no oversight in the products they sell.

One of the most common and dangerous impurities commonly found in tainted CBD products is chemical pesticides. These chemicals are used to kill insects and other organisms that can be harmful to the plant. According to the Toxics Action Center, “Pesticides have been linked to a wide range of human health hazards, ranging from short-term impacts such as headaches and nausea to more serious health problems like cancer, reproductive damage, and endocrine disruption.” It could be very dangerous to ingest any type of tainted CBD product if it is contaminated with pesticides.

The best and safest products available on the market are those in which the hemp is grown in the United States and the oil is produced in a food-grade facility. And, of course, it must be tested by a reliable, third-party facility. If you’re looking for a safe CBD oil product with consistent high-quality and levels of CBD, look for suppliers located in the U.S. who use only U.S. grown hemp. In addition, look for suppliers that whose products are thoroughly tested for purity, quality, and cleanliness. And, as an added measure of safety and quality, many of these manufacturers are regulated by state agencies.

Read More: Are You Using a Safe CBD Oil